I know it has been over a week since I have wrote. There are so many things going on, that it is tough to get on here and tell what has been happening.
Here are a few things that have happened since my last post and/or response to questions we had.
-My plumbing is fixed on the house. We can now setup the sprinkler and refill squirt guns (when it decides to get warmer and not raining).
-Our social worker came out and we chatted about certain things for about an hour. Akvila was really shy around her at first, but then she started to open up. Not really talking, but showing pictures and arts stuff that she has done with momma.
- Our couch for the basement has not arrived yet. We should be receiving it on Tuesday... I hate paying for something and having to wait. Ughhhhhh... If I pay I should GET NOW! :-)
- The Shower/Welcome home party was very fun; thanks to all at Peggy's work who gave gifts and arranged the party. Akvila was VERY shy and didn't want to go into the conference room. Peggy basically had to carry her. She was not interested in opening gifts, but after the shower was over and most people went back to work she started to open up a little more. I think with all of the people at first was a little overwelming.
As for things happening around the house, it has been improving. Akvila is sleeping in her own bed (not alone though). We are trying to get her used to her room and her new bed. I have been sleeping in the guest room. She wanted me to be close too. When she gets up in the morning she comes into my room (with momma) and lies in bed with me or sometimes she will tickle my feet to wake me up. After that we have breakfast, and she knows me and momma gotta have our coffee. Lately she asks if we are going to "zoom zoom", which means go for a drive. We have our little Lithuanian that we know; hand signals (example: from Monsters Inc. "you go 2 sleep") and some different mouth noises she understands to try and help with the communicating. She is starting to say some english words. "Yucky, stinky, bye, excuse me (even though she uses it in the wrong context)" and a few more little words. We have been trying to get her to try some different foods besides hot dogs. For instance today we went to a Oriental Buffett. We know they have some american type food she would like, but we wanted to see if she would like anything different. She didn't mind the crab ragoon, but she didn't like the lo mein noodles or the spring roll. But she did eat a piece of grilled chicken and corn. When it came to dessert, she LOVED the banana pudding with banana slices and wafers (I know this has a name, but can't think of it).
Today we went to the eye doctor. Peggy went first to get her used to the idea of what was going to happen. She did pretty well. Since she doesn't know her alphabet too well, the Doctor used the "E's" that pointed in the different directions. The good news is the Doctor believes she does not need glasses as they had thought in Lithuania. Of course this might change once she learns more english. We all had our eyes dialated too. I really hate that. She refused to wear her sunglasses afterwards, so she kept shielding her eyes.
While at the Eye Doctor, one of the staff thought that one of the daycare workers near by was from Lithuania. We are going to get Akvila in daycare before she starts school in the fall. So we headed over to this place; find out it is cheaper and the Director (who is from Albania, not Lithuania) is going to reduce the price a little more too. We liked the place and will probably take Akvila there. Now while there the kids were in there nap time/rest time, and Akvila looked a little worried. We looked around the crafting area and then walked outside to the playground. While Peggy and Akvila played I spoke with the director. I told her that when we walked in Akvila looked scared and that maybe she thought this was an orphanage. Which I would have thought too; kids sleeping on the mats, the smell of food in the air and the play area all in one room. The Director invited us to there Easter Egg hunt on Thursday. To get to meet some of the kids and for us to maybe meet some parents.
Once finished there we headed over to the "Big" school. We went to enroll Akvila into Kindergarten and to meet her teacher and the ESL Instructor. All Akvila could do was just look around in awe. She didn't speak much and once again she was shy. We walked down to the Kindergarten classroom (in this school they have 5 Kindergarten Classes) and met with the teacher. We looked around the classroom and then we were done.
Once we came home Peggy and Akvila made some Easter stuff to put up on the window. Afterwards we got in the hot tub for a little bit (she doesn't like the bubbles and always wants them turned off). Then we did some dishes and had some dinner and then watched Lilo and Stitch (yeah no Shrek!). Akvila wanted me to shave again, so she watched. Now it was time for bed.
After Akvila fell asleep Peggy came and told me they talked about the daycare school and regular school. She asked Peggy, do I spend the night there? Do I eat there? How long do I stay there? She was ok with the answers Peg gave. She also told Peggy that she loved her and also loved daddy. Today she actually let me hold her and she would also sit in my lap. She also gave me some hugs and kisses with not a lot of fret.
On Wednesday of this week Peggy will be taking Akvila to the dentist. Just for a check up. I don't think there will be too many problems there. She brushes her teeth at least twice a day and makes sure momma and daddy are too.
I never know how to close these blogs; so goodbye for now.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
So what has been happening?
It gets more difficult to write things. We sometimes do a lot during the day and it is just normal everyday things. Akvila seems to be adjusting well, sometimes she gives me kisses and hugs and sometimes I cannot even touch her. This warm weather she really has been enjoying. She is always wanting to go outside and play.
Since she has been home she has lost 2 teeth. Tonight she lost her second one and has placed it under momma's pillow. She doesn't want it under hers because she doesn't want the tooth mouse to crawl under her pillow. Currently she is still sleeping in our bed, and we need to transition her soon to her own.
A few little things that have happen. She will not go to the bathroom without Peggy, unless it is number 2, then Peg has to wait outside. She likes to turn off the TV and lights if someone is not in the room. She has been eating pretty well. She doesn't like to drink milk, but we have been trying to get her to do it some more.
Today we took her to Opryland Hotel. She didn't seem to interested in it. We walked around, took a couple of pictures and then we left and had a late lunch at Sante Fe (Tex-Mex).
We video chatted with some family tonight and had some leftovers for dinner. A funny thing happened after dinner. She was throwing away her plate (paper) and she saw something in the garbage; she stuck her finger in it and then licked it. She made the funniest face, like it didn't taste good. Me and Peg laughed and then I said "that is why you do not eat anything out of the garbage." Peggy started laughing even more and of course Akvila wasn't sure why she was laughing, but she had a smile on her face.
This is going to be a pretty busy week. I broke the outside water spigot and the plumber is coming tomorrow. On Tuesday the case worker from the Adoption Service will be coming out. Sometime also this week we should have a couch delivered for the basement (I hope). On Friday we will be going to Peggy's work for the "Shower/Welcome Home Party". There is something else this week, but I cannot think of it at the moment. I have been out to my work a couple times and everybody wanted to know what was going on and thank us for trying to continue the blog.
Hope to post more soon!
Since she has been home she has lost 2 teeth. Tonight she lost her second one and has placed it under momma's pillow. She doesn't want it under hers because she doesn't want the tooth mouse to crawl under her pillow. Currently she is still sleeping in our bed, and we need to transition her soon to her own.
A few little things that have happen. She will not go to the bathroom without Peggy, unless it is number 2, then Peg has to wait outside. She likes to turn off the TV and lights if someone is not in the room. She has been eating pretty well. She doesn't like to drink milk, but we have been trying to get her to do it some more.
Today we took her to Opryland Hotel. She didn't seem to interested in it. We walked around, took a couple of pictures and then we left and had a late lunch at Sante Fe (Tex-Mex).
We video chatted with some family tonight and had some leftovers for dinner. A funny thing happened after dinner. She was throwing away her plate (paper) and she saw something in the garbage; she stuck her finger in it and then licked it. She made the funniest face, like it didn't taste good. Me and Peg laughed and then I said "that is why you do not eat anything out of the garbage." Peggy started laughing even more and of course Akvila wasn't sure why she was laughing, but she had a smile on her face.
This is going to be a pretty busy week. I broke the outside water spigot and the plumber is coming tomorrow. On Tuesday the case worker from the Adoption Service will be coming out. Sometime also this week we should have a couch delivered for the basement (I hope). On Friday we will be going to Peggy's work for the "Shower/Welcome Home Party". There is something else this week, but I cannot think of it at the moment. I have been out to my work a couple times and everybody wanted to know what was going on and thank us for trying to continue the blog.
Hope to post more soon!
Friday, April 8, 2011
A few Pictures
Everything has been going well with Miss Bossy. :-)
We had chicken alfredo pasta last night and Peggy grabbed some pictures and a video.
We had chicken alfredo pasta last night and Peggy grabbed some pictures and a video.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
What has happened since Sunday?
On Sunday it was a stay at home day. Akvila had been helping momma around the house the evening before and so I thought I would try this opportunity to see if she would help outside in the yard. I wanted to mow down the "onions" growing in the yard and pick up all of the branches and leaves that was in the front yard. Akvila wasn't too interested in this; she picked up 2 sticks and just watched the rest of the time. So since Peg had to go to the grocery store, I told them to go while I finished the front yard. They went to Publix (not a very crowded store) and picked up some food. Peggy never told me if she "oh and awed" about the size, but she tell me she was well behaved. When they came home I was finished in the front (out of gas) and we hung out in the basement. Peggy's friend Michele came over and we played until about dinner time. Akvila has been trying to learn her ABC's and Michele caught this video with her phone.
On Monday we had to go to the Doctor. It is required to visit a Doctor who specializes in Adoptions after a child is brought home. Thank goodness there is a Doctor at Vanderbilt Medical Center. She was well behaved (at first), but started to get antsy. A little fact... Akvila weighs 60 pounds and I missed how tall she is. The Doctor wanted to have some blood drawn to check for center things. Since she was from another country, they wanted to check for lead and a couple other diseases not associated with America. She is also going to want a stool sample. I just looked at Peg and smiled. Because Akvila won't let me get close to her while she is in the bathroom, that means momma will have to do it. Once the Doctor was done, another nurse came in to do the TB (tuberculosis) test. Since we will be taking Akvila to a Primary Doctor later this week, they will be able to read the test. We then proceeded down to the lab so she could get blood drawn. Peggy said she did a very good job. The only time she winced in pain was when they put on the rubber band; and watched the whole time as they drew like 8 vials of blood. Once done with that, we were done at the Hospital.
As most local people know, Monday it stormed pretty bad here. When we left the Doctor we went to look for a couch for the basement. When we got out of our vehicle, Akvila wanted to play in the rain. She thought it was so much fun having the rain hit her face and the running through puddles to get to the building and back to the vehicle once we were done inside. While driving home she would watch the drops as they rolled down the side of the window; the laughter as I hit a puddle and the water came splashing up. She was having a great time watching this. I however was not. The sky was green and me and Peggy knew exactly what that meant; Tornado weather. While traveling back, the rain would come down very hard (which again Akvila loved) but I had a difficult time trying to see. At one point I hit a down lines from a pole (just the line that had snapped, not a pole) and the closer I got to home, the more signal lights that were out. As we got closer to home, there was more down power lines and poles. One pole in particular was a metal one and it was bent in half, this freaked me and Peggy because at this location we were only about 3 miles from home. Driving down the road to our house, we could see some roof damage (shingles only) and blown down trees. No one in our community had any major structure damage; just some sheds and carports severly damaged. As I start to pull into the driveway we see that one of our trees has uprooted and fell across our driveway. I tell them all to sit tight and I did a quick look around to see if there was any damage done to the house; none, whew. So I parked in my neighbors driveway and we went into our basement and stayed there until the Tornado warning had passed. Here are some pictures I took that day.
As you can see I was going to have some fun! Akvila's excitement kind of went away, she was in "ohhhhh" mode now. She still wanted to play in the rain, but the storm was still around and didn't want her out in it.
Tuesday, cleanup begins! I will just say right now, it is hard for me to type. My forearms are so sore from handling the chainsaw and "man handling" all of the wood. No it is not completely done, but you can now drive into the driveway safely. Akvila helped a lot more on this day. Of course she was fascinated by the chainsaw, but it was windy and didn't want sawdust to get into her eyes, so I had her stay with momma at a distance. She helped momma clean off the lower driveway so we wouldn't run over alot of sticks and branches. After a little while I brought out the camera to take pictures of my progress. Instead Akvila took all of the pictures, I didn't get to take any. But I think she has some talent; here is what she took.
I was outside until about 5pm and very sore. I suggested to Peg about getting in the hot tub and having pizza for dinner. This was Akvila's first time having pizza. At first she said "ne" she didn't like, but it was so funny watching her 2 fist the pizza and the cheesy bread. At one point she tried holding the 2 together and eating, but that didn't work to well. After a little bit Peggy took Akvila out to the hot tub to see if she wanted to get in, and of course "YES!" 20 minutes in the hot tub she was all giddy again. To me it felt great. As I said my arms are very sore, along with my back. Once inside it was time to wind down. Peggy and Akvila video chatted with family in Ohio and we got ready for bed.
Akvila is still sleeping in our bed, but after last night I think she will be making the transition to hers. She kept kicking me in the back all night. My back already hurts, now I got a 6 year old kicking me there. That is one of the reasons I am up so early this morning.
I hope you all enjoy this update!
On Monday we had to go to the Doctor. It is required to visit a Doctor who specializes in Adoptions after a child is brought home. Thank goodness there is a Doctor at Vanderbilt Medical Center. She was well behaved (at first), but started to get antsy. A little fact... Akvila weighs 60 pounds and I missed how tall she is. The Doctor wanted to have some blood drawn to check for center things. Since she was from another country, they wanted to check for lead and a couple other diseases not associated with America. She is also going to want a stool sample. I just looked at Peg and smiled. Because Akvila won't let me get close to her while she is in the bathroom, that means momma will have to do it. Once the Doctor was done, another nurse came in to do the TB (tuberculosis) test. Since we will be taking Akvila to a Primary Doctor later this week, they will be able to read the test. We then proceeded down to the lab so she could get blood drawn. Peggy said she did a very good job. The only time she winced in pain was when they put on the rubber band; and watched the whole time as they drew like 8 vials of blood. Once done with that, we were done at the Hospital.
As most local people know, Monday it stormed pretty bad here. When we left the Doctor we went to look for a couch for the basement. When we got out of our vehicle, Akvila wanted to play in the rain. She thought it was so much fun having the rain hit her face and the running through puddles to get to the building and back to the vehicle once we were done inside. While driving home she would watch the drops as they rolled down the side of the window; the laughter as I hit a puddle and the water came splashing up. She was having a great time watching this. I however was not. The sky was green and me and Peggy knew exactly what that meant; Tornado weather. While traveling back, the rain would come down very hard (which again Akvila loved) but I had a difficult time trying to see. At one point I hit a down lines from a pole (just the line that had snapped, not a pole) and the closer I got to home, the more signal lights that were out. As we got closer to home, there was more down power lines and poles. One pole in particular was a metal one and it was bent in half, this freaked me and Peggy because at this location we were only about 3 miles from home. Driving down the road to our house, we could see some roof damage (shingles only) and blown down trees. No one in our community had any major structure damage; just some sheds and carports severly damaged. As I start to pull into the driveway we see that one of our trees has uprooted and fell across our driveway. I tell them all to sit tight and I did a quick look around to see if there was any damage done to the house; none, whew. So I parked in my neighbors driveway and we went into our basement and stayed there until the Tornado warning had passed. Here are some pictures I took that day.
As you can see I was going to have some fun! Akvila's excitement kind of went away, she was in "ohhhhh" mode now. She still wanted to play in the rain, but the storm was still around and didn't want her out in it.
Tuesday, cleanup begins! I will just say right now, it is hard for me to type. My forearms are so sore from handling the chainsaw and "man handling" all of the wood. No it is not completely done, but you can now drive into the driveway safely. Akvila helped a lot more on this day. Of course she was fascinated by the chainsaw, but it was windy and didn't want sawdust to get into her eyes, so I had her stay with momma at a distance. She helped momma clean off the lower driveway so we wouldn't run over alot of sticks and branches. After a little while I brought out the camera to take pictures of my progress. Instead Akvila took all of the pictures, I didn't get to take any. But I think she has some talent; here is what she took.
I was outside until about 5pm and very sore. I suggested to Peg about getting in the hot tub and having pizza for dinner. This was Akvila's first time having pizza. At first she said "ne" she didn't like, but it was so funny watching her 2 fist the pizza and the cheesy bread. At one point she tried holding the 2 together and eating, but that didn't work to well. After a little bit Peggy took Akvila out to the hot tub to see if she wanted to get in, and of course "YES!" 20 minutes in the hot tub she was all giddy again. To me it felt great. As I said my arms are very sore, along with my back. Once inside it was time to wind down. Peggy and Akvila video chatted with family in Ohio and we got ready for bed.
Akvila is still sleeping in our bed, but after last night I think she will be making the transition to hers. She kept kicking me in the back all night. My back already hurts, now I got a 6 year old kicking me there. That is one of the reasons I am up so early this morning.
I hope you all enjoy this update!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
A Good Day!
Yesterday, we all got up and had waffles for breakfast. She had never had waffles before and just kind of looked at them. She eventually ate half and was done. She seems to be a bit of a picky eater, but as we keep saying "she is still getting used to everything."
My friends invited me over to there Embroidery Shop (Bowen Embroidery; Lebanon, TN), they wanted to put Akvila's name on things. We headed over there, Akvila kept saying something (we eventually figured it out; she thought we were going to the duckies). One of our friends was there and we talked for a bit. The other 2 were not in, but one of them was supposed to be in shortly. So we walked around the corner to Marti and Liz's (Discount Shoe Store; normally have bigger sizes for Peg's feet) to see if we could find Akvila some shoes. She just refuses to wear tennis shoes, all she wants to wear are her snow boots. With today supposed to 80 we knew those would be too hot for her. We couldn't find anything in her size, and we headed back to the shop. The other proprietor had not arrived so we left to do some more exploring.
We found ourself at another park. Don Fox Park in Lebanon, TN, where we played for about an hour (I took pictures; I will post later). Akvila wanted to help all of the little kids. She saw how little they were and wanted to help them up the stairs. No one said anything, but the other parents saw that we were right there too, and that we weren't going to left her hurt their kids. She loves the slides, but the swings she is a little leary... she would prefer to get into the "seat" swings.
Once we left the park we headed back over to the shop. Robin was there and she wanted to do something for Akvila. So they sat behind the counter trying to decide what they wanted embroidered. Akvila finally picked out a žuvis (Fish) and had here name spelled with an "A" embroidered on a golf towel. True she is not a golfer, but it is her own personal towel. Akvila watched in amazement as the machine did its thing. After that was done, they also put her name on the Jacket she was wearing; the one grandma gave her. Akvila was excited and really enjoyed her "gifts".
Once we said our goodbyes and "Thank Yous" we headed off to another shoe store. Akvila was starting to get tired (she used to take naps in the orphanage, but since home we have been doing a lot and she wants to stay awake), Peg started showing her some shoes. She is VERY picky about shoes and didn't seem very interested in shoe shopping. We did pick out a pair she liked, but she hasn't worn them yet. By this time we were all getting hungry. I know she enjoys hot dogs, but since it was a Saturday I didn't want to go to the Hot Dog place in Providence (http://corisdoghouse.com/) because I knew it would be busy and we are not ready to try that yet. So we went to Sonic instead; we ordered our food and came home.
Akvila ate all of her hot dog (with ketchup) and about half of the fries. She really enjoyed dipping her fries in the ketchup. We cleaned up and headed down to the basement. I got her on the computer and started playing around with the video camera.
After we played like that for a while; Peggy was playing with her on the Sesame Street website. She is doing pretty good with her letters, but she still wants to say her numbers in Lithuanian. We also horse played a little. I was able to tickle her and she tickled me. We were laying on the couch and I leaned up and kissed Peggy; then she kissed Peggy and then leaned over and kissed me! I didn't ask and neither did momma. That was very nice!
By this time it was coming up on 6:30pm and we want to feed her so she can get a bath with mommy. So we had some leftover chicken (which she also likes) and she tried some ranch to dip. She said "ne" at first, but then you couldn't stop her. Bath time was next; she doesn't like the whirlpool bath or the actual shower head (she is used to the one you hold), but she did like her hair to be blow dried. While in the bath, daddy got Shrek ready to go (again). Once dressed (long john pants, shirt and jacket) she gave me a hug and laid down and was out in 15 minutes.
Today was a pretty good day!
My friends invited me over to there Embroidery Shop (Bowen Embroidery; Lebanon, TN), they wanted to put Akvila's name on things. We headed over there, Akvila kept saying something (we eventually figured it out; she thought we were going to the duckies). One of our friends was there and we talked for a bit. The other 2 were not in, but one of them was supposed to be in shortly. So we walked around the corner to Marti and Liz's (Discount Shoe Store; normally have bigger sizes for Peg's feet) to see if we could find Akvila some shoes. She just refuses to wear tennis shoes, all she wants to wear are her snow boots. With today supposed to 80 we knew those would be too hot for her. We couldn't find anything in her size, and we headed back to the shop. The other proprietor had not arrived so we left to do some more exploring.
We found ourself at another park. Don Fox Park in Lebanon, TN, where we played for about an hour (I took pictures; I will post later). Akvila wanted to help all of the little kids. She saw how little they were and wanted to help them up the stairs. No one said anything, but the other parents saw that we were right there too, and that we weren't going to left her hurt their kids. She loves the slides, but the swings she is a little leary... she would prefer to get into the "seat" swings.
Once we left the park we headed back over to the shop. Robin was there and she wanted to do something for Akvila. So they sat behind the counter trying to decide what they wanted embroidered. Akvila finally picked out a žuvis (Fish) and had here name spelled with an "A" embroidered on a golf towel. True she is not a golfer, but it is her own personal towel. Akvila watched in amazement as the machine did its thing. After that was done, they also put her name on the Jacket she was wearing; the one grandma gave her. Akvila was excited and really enjoyed her "gifts".
Once we said our goodbyes and "Thank Yous" we headed off to another shoe store. Akvila was starting to get tired (she used to take naps in the orphanage, but since home we have been doing a lot and she wants to stay awake), Peg started showing her some shoes. She is VERY picky about shoes and didn't seem very interested in shoe shopping. We did pick out a pair she liked, but she hasn't worn them yet. By this time we were all getting hungry. I know she enjoys hot dogs, but since it was a Saturday I didn't want to go to the Hot Dog place in Providence (http://corisdoghouse.com/) because I knew it would be busy and we are not ready to try that yet. So we went to Sonic instead; we ordered our food and came home.
Akvila ate all of her hot dog (with ketchup) and about half of the fries. She really enjoyed dipping her fries in the ketchup. We cleaned up and headed down to the basement. I got her on the computer and started playing around with the video camera.
After we played like that for a while; Peggy was playing with her on the Sesame Street website. She is doing pretty good with her letters, but she still wants to say her numbers in Lithuanian. We also horse played a little. I was able to tickle her and she tickled me. We were laying on the couch and I leaned up and kissed Peggy; then she kissed Peggy and then leaned over and kissed me! I didn't ask and neither did momma. That was very nice!
By this time it was coming up on 6:30pm and we want to feed her so she can get a bath with mommy. So we had some leftover chicken (which she also likes) and she tried some ranch to dip. She said "ne" at first, but then you couldn't stop her. Bath time was next; she doesn't like the whirlpool bath or the actual shower head (she is used to the one you hold), but she did like her hair to be blow dried. While in the bath, daddy got Shrek ready to go (again). Once dressed (long john pants, shirt and jacket) she gave me a hug and laid down and was out in 15 minutes.
Today was a pretty good day!
Friday, April 1, 2011
Out and about today
Yesterday I had to go to the Doctor and so I need to go pick up my prescription and do some other errands. We have a Doctors appointment on Monday for Akvila, and we wanted her to get used to riding in a vehicle.
We headed into town to go to the Post Office and the Library to drop off some items. I started to think we were near Charlie Daniels Park, lets go there. So we went to the playground and I snapped a few pictures.
We stayed there for about an hour. She would watch the little kids and did not play as much. At one point it appeared she wanted to help this little boy go across the bouncy bridge, but she was unsure. Finally the boy crossed himself and Akvila moved on. She didn't want to go down the "tube" slide, she wanted me to go down instead and she watched. So I went down... I didn't realize there was a puddle at the bottom of the slide... wet booty. :-) We stayed a little while longer and then headed of to the Hospital pond.
We feed the duckies and the fishies... she found the fishes exciting. Watching them swim up and take the bread away from the ducks. While there, there was a man walking his Beagle. She was terrified of the dog. She watched as Peggy and I petted, but she wanted nothing to do with it. So a trip to the zoo might come later. If she is freaked out about being close to animals, maybe the zoo is not the perfect idea yet.
Since she was enjoying this we headed over to the lake. There was a lot of ducks and geese there. These were a little more aggressive and she was worried about them. We walked down the shoreline to were a man and his two boys were fishing. She was fascinated, but not sure what she was thinking. Was she watching so intensely because the were holding these fishing poles or because they had dark skin? We take it for granted here in the Untied States to see the melting pot of all people and races. In Lithuania she only saw people who came and went in the Orphanage; who were probably all white.
We left there and came home because we all had to go potty. Currently she is playing with a little hand held touch and speak. She keeps pushing the letters, not sure if she is understanding or just likes the little music that is with it. We are also listening to a CD with Children's nursery songs. Time for Jack and Jill............
We headed into town to go to the Post Office and the Library to drop off some items. I started to think we were near Charlie Daniels Park, lets go there. So we went to the playground and I snapped a few pictures.
We stayed there for about an hour. She would watch the little kids and did not play as much. At one point it appeared she wanted to help this little boy go across the bouncy bridge, but she was unsure. Finally the boy crossed himself and Akvila moved on. She didn't want to go down the "tube" slide, she wanted me to go down instead and she watched. So I went down... I didn't realize there was a puddle at the bottom of the slide... wet booty. :-) We stayed a little while longer and then headed of to the Hospital pond.
We feed the duckies and the fishies... she found the fishes exciting. Watching them swim up and take the bread away from the ducks. While there, there was a man walking his Beagle. She was terrified of the dog. She watched as Peggy and I petted, but she wanted nothing to do with it. So a trip to the zoo might come later. If she is freaked out about being close to animals, maybe the zoo is not the perfect idea yet.
Since she was enjoying this we headed over to the lake. There was a lot of ducks and geese there. These were a little more aggressive and she was worried about them. We walked down the shoreline to were a man and his two boys were fishing. She was fascinated, but not sure what she was thinking. Was she watching so intensely because the were holding these fishing poles or because they had dark skin? We take it for granted here in the Untied States to see the melting pot of all people and races. In Lithuania she only saw people who came and went in the Orphanage; who were probably all white.
We left there and came home because we all had to go potty. Currently she is playing with a little hand held touch and speak. She keeps pushing the letters, not sure if she is understanding or just likes the little music that is with it. We are also listening to a CD with Children's nursery songs. Time for Jack and Jill............
First Day Home! March 30th, 2011
Sorry I did not get this typed up last night. It was a long day yesterday. We were all up at 7am.
I went to sleep next to Akvila on Wednesday and when we woke up on Thursday Peggy told me she kind of just looked at me. They kind of stirred me awake so I got up with them as well. Akvila should have been hungry, but she didn't eat much for breakfast. I think she had some bologna and tea.
We stayed home all day and she got to explore the house more and check out the outside. She is fascinated with light switches. Don't ask me, she would always turn them off and walk around. I can only assume since they kept the orphanage kind of dark, that is what she is used to. But this will be a good thing... to help save our mother earth of wasted electricity (and to save on my checkbook).
She loves to go walking with momma. She got to meet our next door neighbor kids who are 4 and 6; both boys. I wasn't with them so I do not know what happened exactly. About 20 minutes later one of the boys came by and brought Akvila a purple Froggy. She was kind of excited about it, but not sure what she was really thinking.

She played in the basement with momma most of the time, she still doesn't like when I touch her. I have not gotten a hug yet. :-(
Last night Peggy made a chicken pot pie, but she wasn't interested in eating it. So she didn't have much of a appetite yesterday. We went upstairs about 7:30pm and turned on Shrek and she was out in 10 minutes.
Not a lot happening... still trying to get used to things
I went to sleep next to Akvila on Wednesday and when we woke up on Thursday Peggy told me she kind of just looked at me. They kind of stirred me awake so I got up with them as well. Akvila should have been hungry, but she didn't eat much for breakfast. I think she had some bologna and tea.
We stayed home all day and she got to explore the house more and check out the outside. She is fascinated with light switches. Don't ask me, she would always turn them off and walk around. I can only assume since they kept the orphanage kind of dark, that is what she is used to. But this will be a good thing... to help save our mother earth of wasted electricity (and to save on my checkbook).
She loves to go walking with momma. She got to meet our next door neighbor kids who are 4 and 6; both boys. I wasn't with them so I do not know what happened exactly. About 20 minutes later one of the boys came by and brought Akvila a purple Froggy. She was kind of excited about it, but not sure what she was really thinking.
She played in the basement with momma most of the time, she still doesn't like when I touch her. I have not gotten a hug yet. :-(
Last night Peggy made a chicken pot pie, but she wasn't interested in eating it. So she didn't have much of a appetite yesterday. We went upstairs about 7:30pm and turned on Shrek and she was out in 10 minutes.
Not a lot happening... still trying to get used to things
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