Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Step 5 of the Journey - All Packed and ready to go!

I am so glad that our bosses let us take today off.  This morning we booked our flights and then we ran around downtown, getting the rest of our "Rubber stamps" and didn't get home until about 3pm.  We then started to check our packing lists.  Thank goodness we double checked everything, because we found out there was 2 documents that were not notarized.  This didn't freak us out too much, because our next door neighbor is a notary; so she came over and did this for us. Our good friend also came by for moral support and she also bought us dinner.  Yeah we almost forgot to eat because we were so stressed out. 

So we finished packing, 3 suitcases that will be checked and 2 carry on bags.  Seems like quite a bit for 2 people, but we hard to pack all of our daughters clothes too.  Our flight arrives in Detroit tomorrow around 1pm local time, but they are calling for 70% chance of snow.  So hopefully there will be no delays.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! That was a really busy day! I thought about calling tonight... but I did not want to wake you up if you actually were able to get some sleep. What time do you get on your flight tomorrow? Was Peggy able to get her tooth looked at?
    Love to you both and know that we are all thinking of you three!!!
    Love~ sis
