We got up this morning and had french toast. Akvila did not eat much. I think she was eating constantly the first part of the week because she has never had food so readily available. She now eats much less.
We started packing this morning and Akvila was ok, she was watching and got a little nervous but then started to ask if she could take things to America. I got quite a bit done and then she said she wanted to go outside. So we went for a walk to find some Chocolate for my sister, some bread to feed the birds and some lollypops for Akvila during take off and landing.
We went and founds some birds to feed and then came back to the apartment. After a little while I went across the street to the linen store and she watched from the window. She had fun making steam on the window and using her hand to make baby footprints. She saw me come out and got all excited. I came put the stairs and rang the doorbell and she was on the barstool looking out the peep hole.
We had some lunch and did more packing. She actually helped a little. We talked to my sister and her family and then talked to Wayne on Live messenger. Akvila did the dishes and swept the floor and scrubbed the counters. She would not even let me dry the dishes, she wanted to do it.
This afternoon we went outside again to go feed some birds and go to the store to get some ice cream. She had such fun day today. She even raced me back toward the apartment and was giggling the whole way. She knows we are leaving tomorrow and hopefully it goes well :-)
We talked to my dad and sister Ginny again this afternoon so she will get to know her Papa and Aunt Ginny. She tied some balloons for them and they watched her clean the apartment. She really likes to clean. Hopefully she will let me give her a bath tonight.
We are going to go have some dinner. Hopefully the next time you hear from me we will be home with Wayne!
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