Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Visting Akvila

When we arrived at the orphanage Akvila was scared and had a look on her face of pure fear.  I think she thought we were taking her right away.  But one of the caregivers walked her down to the playroom with us and talked to her and she started to feel better.

We caught her attention with balloon animals and we started blowing up balloons and making more.  She thought the balloon pump was very cool.  She is a very fast learner because by the end of the visit she was having me help her and she took apart the dog and put it back together pretty well (probably better than Mama). 

She asked where her daddy was and we told her he was at home and she wanted to know why.  We told her he had to work but that he loves her and misses her very much.  She smiled. She talked about her "jumper" with her name on it and said Akvila Griffith without any prompting.  We then told her she has a new middle name of Hannah.  She asked again what my name was, what grammy's name was and what daddy's name was. 

I gave her a banana and she ate about half and gave the rest to me.  She didn't eat any goldfish which surprised me but then she told us (through Agne) that her tooth is loose.  She told us that she has already lost a few teeth but her regular teeth have already started to grow.  Akvila played with me for a while in the balls, I gave her a piggy back ride and goofed around.  Of course when she saw the camera my little photographer took over.  She even remembered when we set the timer and then sat on the couch to get our picture taken together. 

See if you can pick out which ones she took :-)


  1. Aww! Great pictures! It's like you never left! You'll be home soon having fun :-)

  2. So how long do you have to stay before you get to come home with her?
