Friday, March 25, 2011

Very tired

Akvila finally fell asleep around midnight.  I did not want to push too hard to put her to bed in case she got homesick again for the orphanage.  She laid down with me but flopped around the bed for quite some time.  When she finally fell asleep I was relieved.  Of course at 7AM sharp she started to stir.  I was thinking surely she will sleep a little longer, I opened my eyes and she smiled at me.  She then leaned over and said Mama and hugged me.... I can forgive the lack of sleep for that.

We got up and I had coffee while she had tea and then I made some pancakes.  I can tell she is Lithuanian because I gave her some butter to put on her pancakes and she scraped it off the knife with her spoon and struck it straight in her mouth!  My mom loves butter and so do my neices.  We joke that they have the butter gene. 

She has now watched Shrek Forever After 3 times and a Bug's Life 1 1/2 times.  I hate for her to watch too much TV but at least it is something she likes. 

Some of the smaller clothes I bought her don't fit... the ones that are 6X/7 or 7 skinny jeans.  Glad I brought a bigger pair this time.  She does not want to change her clothes though.  I imagine its because she is used to wearing the same thing for a week.  They did change her into clothes I bought her when we picked her up, but she still has on the tights they had her in.  I need to get her dressed to go to the embassy today.  This should be fun :-)  She did want to see what the washing machine did so this morning we washed the jeans she wore yesterday with 2 of my pairs so they are hanging up to dry.  Later we will have cardboard jeans. 

I just looked up and they have Dora dubbed in Lithuanian!! 

Here are some pictures Akvila took with her camera yesterday. 

 She looks so sleepy here.... its around 11 PM I think. 

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