Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 14 - Morning Visit

This morning we got up and had some french toast and got ready to go visit Akvila.  We did some more playing in the balls and then she wanted to take pictures.  So for most of the time she started taking pictures.  Most of these pictures I am posting is what she took today.

Right now Peggy and mom are going out grocery shopping.  They are also looking for a bakery so we can get a cake for tomorrow.  If the Judge approves the waiving of the waiting period, then we are going to have a little party tomorrow at the orphanage.  Sort of a "last goodbye" to the orphanage party.

Keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow.


  1. Those are great pics! She may have a future as a photographer! LOL. Looks like you all were having lots of fun! I am totally crossing my fingers AND toes (haha). Hopefully it is good news tomorrow :-)

  2. Its so great to see Wayne goofing off!! You can see even in the pictures she is SO much closer to him now! Sending my prayers out for momma and daddy to get good news tomorrow!!!
