Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 9 - Evening Visit

Tonight we made sure we left on time for the orphanage.  We got there right at 4pm and the worker was not going to allow us in because of the Quarantine.    We had to call Elona to translate; after the phone call they finally allowed us in.

Peg went upstairs to get Akvila, while mom and I waited downstairs.  We went into the little play room and started to play.  Same ole thing, look in the bag, and grab out the Goldfish crackers and into the house her and Peg went.  Peggy started singing the "Goldfish Commercial" and that made Akvila laugh.

After a while. they came out and Peggy started to draw animals.  Then Akvila said "kiškis"... and was holding up her fingers to her head.  It kind of looked like devil horns, and we quickly looked it up and realized she wanted Peg to draw a Rabbit.  She started not to make the ears long enough, until Akvila grunted and raised her little fingers higher.

About 30 minutes before we were supposed to leave, Akvila didn't want to play anymore.  She put on her shoes and told us to do the same (in Lithuanian).  Peggy took her upstairs and we came home.

Here is a few more pictures and another video.  It is probably not that good, but oh well!

Right now Mom is making dessert for us tonight; an apple upside down cake and Peggy is working on dinner.  She is making "Potato Zepplins", which is I am not sure what the heck it is.  She just explained it to me, but it still sounds Lithuanian to me.  :-)

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